Since 1984 the Hard Rain Cafe & Campground has offered visitors to the Hoh Rainforest a place to get a cup of coffee and a burger, and a restful night in a small campground. Seasonally operated.
Camping is available March 15-November 15, reservations should be made online, and require a first night non-refundable deposit. Our typical hours of operation during the Spring Season are 10am-5:30pm. Summer Season hours begin in mid- May 9:30am-6:30pm, October and November will have limited hours and days. We will be closed beginning Dec 1.
Helpful Hints: During the peak season, May 15-September 15 it is our recommendation to enter the Hoh Rainforest entrance of the Olympic National Park before 9am to avoid wait times at the toll booth. Additionally, daylight lasts well into the summer evenings, so visitors can also enjoy Olympic National Park entry after 6pm without wait times.
Serving the extremely diverse group of visitors to the Olympic National Park's Hoh Rainforest is our family tradition. Our staff are local residents that love to share travel tips and explain the various ways to get back to Seattle (if you really have to leave paradise).

ONP Scenery

The Olympic National Park is our backyard, there are easily weeks of day trips beckoning the adventurer...


We are at the gateway for mountain climbers seeking the challenge of the Olympic Range, but also for hikers looking to explore a system of hundreds of miles of trails, and most of all we are a place for families looking to share nature with the next generation